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Writing Documents

Below are documents that explain our writing curriculum further.

  • Writing Non-negotiables: this clarifies our 'non-negotiables' for each year group i.e. the key skills that each child works towards and ends the year being able to do.
  • Writing Progression - Word, Sentence and Paragraph: this outlines the build-up of skills over the year groups of key strands of the writing process linked to words (how morphology is used to create individual words and how word choices impact on effect), sentence structure (the use of different and accurate sentences to achieve the purpose) and paragraphs (how ideas can be grouped to ensure the audience can follow ideas).
  • Writing Progression - Composition, Cohesion and Effect: this outlines the build-up of skills over the year groups of key strands of the writing process linked to composition (how a text is created through word choices and consideration of purpose / audience), cohesion (the flow of ideas through a text) and effect (whether the text achieves the intended purpose).
  • Whole-School Writing Map: this contains long-term and medium-term plans for each year group for our writing curriculum. The long-term plans show which writing genres are studied in each year and how the key writing skills are planned to ensure they link. The medium-term plans demonstrate what this looks like for our writing and reading curriculum.