Home Page


Subject Lead: Sarah Soden

Link Governor: Claire Marshall


The well-being of pupils is very important to us and is at the heart of our ethos to support and nurture the whole child. This is particularly important as our school community continues to emerge from the pandemic and well-being is currently a whole school focus. Children and staff are encouraged to embed well-being into the school timetable with daily active minutes, mindfulness activities, brain breaks and one-to-one conversations to foster positive relationships between staff and pupils. 


If you are concerned about the mental health or well-being of your child, please don't hesitate to contact the named adults above for advice and support. We are here to help. 


You can also find useful information on our Supporting Parents and Children at home page.

Pre-recorded online workshops

Healthy Minds have created several online recorded workshops for both young people and parents on managing worries and anxious feelings; managing angry feelings; a survival guide to change and parents supporting children with anxiety and SEND. These can all be accessed via our website here.  


As always, if you have concerns about a child or young person’s emotional wellbeing, please use the information below for useful information and self-help advice:

Lincolnshire Partnership Foundation Trust

Here4You line - 01522 309120 (Monday to Friday 9:30 - 4:30)

