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Reading at Home

Reading in Reception

Each week, the children in Reception will be provided with a sharing book in their book bag.   These books are for you to read, share and enjoy together at home.  

In Reception we share stories as a class, in small groups, and children have access to a variety of books to look at independently. 

Please share the story together each week and record this in their reading diary. 

The Reception team will change the book once a week on a Tuesday.


Once we have completed our Baseline Assessments we will also send home a reading book that is suitable for the stage of reading your child is working at.  These books are for your child to have a go at reading a little more independently.  

These books will also be changed on a Tuesday. 

In Reception, your child will be bringing home a set of sounds that we have been learning in school.  Please go through these sounds every day and help your child to remember the sound each letter makes.  

If you would like some further information on the Read Write Inc. scheme or you would like to hear how to say the sounds correctly, please visit the link below

Supporting with learning sounds at home

How to Support Reading at Home

Red words to learn by sight for each reading level
