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WB 24.6.24

This week we picked the peas and beans that we planted in the Spring. We then washed them, podded them and ate them, before putting the remaining pods in the compost heap. We will eventually use the compost to enrich our soil to grow more peas!

WB 10.6.24

This week, we have been exploring dragons and castles. The children have enjoyed the idea of the dragon hoarding and guarding treasure. They have explored treasure in many aspects of play; building castles and dragons lairs, hiding treasure and role playing as knights to defeat the dragon.

WB 3.6.24

Our caterpillars emerged out of their cocoons as butterflies! 
We released them in our vegetable garden and we have already noticed them enjoying the flowers.

WB 20.5.24

This week, we have begun our exploration of creatures that live under the sea. When talking about the sea, the children have been particularly interested in boats, so we had a go at using a variety of resources to build some boats for role play.

WB 29.4.24

Our caterpillars have arrived! We are going to observe them over the next few weeks as they become butterflies. We have been learning about the life cycle of a caterpillar so we know the changes to look for.

WB 22.4.24

This week, we have started to explore the story of The Hungry Caterpillar by Eric Carle.
We made fruit kebabs using the caterpillar’s favourite fruits in the story.

WB 15.4.24

Everyone had a fantastic time on our trip to Play Avenue.

WB 18.3.24

For the past couple of weeks we have been looking at traditional tales, with a particular focus on The Three Little Pigs. We have explored mud, built houses using a variety of resources and used props to retell the story.

WB 26.2.24

Following on from the children’s interest in worms, we created a wormery. We visited our vegetable garden to search for worms to put inside. It has been interesting to find out which foods the worms like to eat, and which we must not feed them.

WB 19.2.24

With the weather getting brighter, we have begun exploring Spring, by searching for signs that Spring is on its way. While searching for daffodils and blossom, we came across some slugs and worms. We found these very interesting, and collected some to observe more closely.

WB 5.2.24

With Valentine’s Day coming up, we have been exploring love and kindness, linked to the pink monster in the story Colour Monster. 
We have explored colour mixing to make shades of pink, like the monster himself. We have talked about people who are special to us, and made them a little gift to show them that we love them. We also talked about different ways that we can make others feel loved, and we enjoyed finding ways to make others laugh, including pulling funny faces, which we practiced in the mirrors. 

WB 29.2.24

This week we had the firefighters come to visit us with the fire engine. They talked to us about the equipment they use, and we even got to sit in the fire engine, and spray the fire hose!

WB 22.1.24

The children have enjoyed exploring colour mixing. We explored creating shades of purple.

WB 15.1.24

This week we have been exploring freezing. We made our own ice lollies by using our chopping skills to cut up some bananas. Next, we mashed the bananas until they went mushy and slimy. We mixed in a little yoghurt and put them in the freezer overnight. They were delicious!

WB 8.1.24

we have been embracing the cold weather and exploring ice. We made our own ice blocks with hidden treasures inside. We used our snipping skills to carefully cut leaves, seeds and dried flowers from our vegetable garden. We chose our favourites and put them in a tub of water. We wondered if it would be cold enough outside to freeze, so we placed them outside overnight. When we came back to school the next day, they had frozen solid!

We were visited by the Postman! 
He very kindly spoke to us about the jobs a postman does, and he took our Christmas letters in his van to send to Santa!

WB 27.11.23

This week we enjoyed exploring the frost and ice that we have found outside. We used powder paint to mix with the melting ice and puddles to create paint. 

WB 20.11.23

After the children showed interest in making apple pie in our home corner, we explored all things apples this week. 
We searched for the seeds inside, and counted how many we could find in our apples.

We also practised our chopping skills at snack time, chopping our apples into small pieces. Some of us even mixed them with raisins and cinnamon to make an apple salad. 
What a delightful, autumnal treat!

WB 13.11.23

This week we explored colour as we learned about Diwali.

WB 4.11.23

Autumn has arrived, and we have noticed lots of changes in our outside classroom. We have noticed lots of leaves on the ground, so we worked as a team to sweep them into piles and scoop them up.

After seeing fireworks last weekend, we have explored the colours fireworks make, the sounds we hear and the traditions involved with bonfire night.


WB. 30.10.23

We had a brilliant time exploring different Halloween activities and crafts this week. 

WB 16.10.23

We had a fabulous time at our stay and play with our families this week.

WB 9.10.23

We were very excited to invite some animal visitors into our class this week.
We held a lizard, a millipede and a snake!

WB 2.10.23

This week we have explored the story We’re Going on a Bear Hunt by Michael Rosen.

First, we made a list of things that we might need to take with us on a bear hunt. We used our list to pack some backpacks ready for our hunt. Maps, binoculars and torches were some of the things we decided to take. Some of us even made our own maps.

WB 25.9.23

This week, we did some group mark making on large paper. 
Some of us loved dabbing the paint to make dots and spots, while others explored smearing the paint with our hands. We discovered that if we mix colours together, we can make a new colour.

WB 18.9.23

This week, we spotted a pumpkin in our vegetable garden. When we went to have a look, we found some lavender and were very interested in plants which had a scent. We decided to harvest some lavender and took it back to the classroom to make some lavender play dough. After that, we explored lots of different herbs by cutting and crushing them to make perfumes and potions.

WB 11.09.23

We have had a brilliant fun-filled week this week. The children loved getting out on the bikes and trikes and getting messy with the paint! 

WB 11.9.23

We are so proud of how well the children have settled in to Preschool. The children have used the resources in our classroom and outside area to follow their own interests, including scooping and transporting gravel from our digging pit, building erupting volcanoes in the sand pit, and making cups of tea in our home corner. On the rainy days, we have even been outside for a bit of puddle jumping!
