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Our learning

Music: Year 3 have been learning to play a variety of instruments. Together with Year 2 they put on a show-stopping performance. Well done!

History: Year 3 made pyramids from blocks to understand how difficult it was for the Egyptians!

19/2 Science: We have been investigating how a human skeleton supports movement

26/2 PE: We enjoyed developing our cricket skills with Dynamo Cricket at TGA

5/2 Maths: we have been measuring in metres and centimetres

29/1 DT

22/1 History

15/1 French: we have been learning and adding numbers to ten

8/1 English: we have role played the character of Poppy to tune into our text

4/1 Science: we have been learning about the importance of nutrition

11/12 PE: we made up our own yoga flows using learnt poses such as stick insect, downward dog and tree

05/12 Science: we predicted which coins would be magnetic and why, then tested our predictions.

28/11 Art: we made rubbings using wax crayons on different surfaces of the playground, then tore them up to construct frottage images.

20/11 A hedgehog visited us in our outdoor area.

13/11 PE: yoga - learning different poses to perform one after the other as a flow

08/11 Science - we used toys from EYFS to investigate how forces make things move

30/10 Igneous Rock: We repeated the process of making a metamorphic rock but completely melted the wax to form a liquid representing the melting of rock beneath the earth’s crust.

30/10 Metamorphic Rock: Small pieces of crayon were melted to soften representing the heat and pressure that transforms rocks buried in the Earth’s crust.

30/10 Sedimentary Rock: We shaved small pieces of wax crayon to represent the sediment created through erosion of rocks which we then compressed together to form sedimentary rock.

23/10 We have been learning about Hindu Gods and the story of creation during Diversity week

16/10 We visited Gainsborough Library to find out how it works and learn about its interesting history.

09/10 Science investigation into properties of rocks

03/10: using our Talk 4 Writing text ‘Hawk Ridge Farm Park’ to draw a map

29/09: using persuasive writing to make someone want to buy a dilapidated house!

22/9 In maths, we have been using resources to partition 3 digit numbers.

Reading: enjoying reading and quizzing in Accelerated Reader!

Welcome back to school - The start of Year 3!
