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Our learning

Local History Workshop- Mood Boards to design a Georgian or Victorian Shop

Cycle Safety

Red Nose Day

26/03 - Easter service!

19/3/24: Helmet Safety!

15/3/24: Red Nose Day raising money for charity in red!

World Book Day 2024 Competition Winners!

World Book Day Competition Entries

Tag Rugby Team - We are so proud of our Year 5 Superstar Rugby Team who were undefeated in their matches today!

Investigating solutions

Ancient Greek Debate- Should everybody be allowed to vote?

Demonstrating how the Earth orbits the Sun

Polar Express Day

Installation Art

A super sporty week in Year 5! From balances in Gymnastics to 1st and 3rd place in Multi-Sports and Bikeability Certificates!

Equality Open Classroom. We absolutely adored having our visitors in to see our learning during Equality and Diversity week.

27/09/23- Investigating ‘doodlers’ in DT

22/9/23: Finding friction in Science today!

11/9/23: We have enjoyed starting our class reader that we chose during transition day - ‘Wild Boy!’

6/9/23: Year 5 have settled in amazingly during the first 3 days! They have worked on their communication and attacking skills during our PE lessons.
