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Homework Expectation in Year 2


Children will be expected to do the following things every week in order to practise and consolidate their learning. 


  • Reading-  5 reads with an adult (These are to be recorded in the reading diary and signed to show completion)  Reads can be done from allocated books sent home from school as well as own books at home.


  • Maths- Practise number bonds- Children should practise bonds to 10, 20 and then 100 using ‘Hit the Button’ (See link below) Ideally this should be every day for 5 minutes. Children can also access ‘Time Table Rockstars’ to practise their 10 times table initially.  This will be set for individuals as and when they are ready to move the the next set of tables.



  • Spelling- Weekly spellings will be listed on the homework slip that comes home every Friday.  These can be practised in any chosen way and children should practise writing them in their homework book.

*Times Table Rockstars passwords will be stuck into your child’s homework book.

Autumn 1 Spellings


Click on the image to log into your TT Rockstars account.


Active games to help your children and community move at home. Click the image to access the resources which are free to use.

Maths Homework in Y2

Questions to ask when reading with your child
